The LNFG Cartel

We are excited to announce a range of label services for indie bands and small labels who require support and logistical assistance.

At LNFG, being a label with both worldwide distribution in place and owning a bricks and mortar location, we find ourselves able to offer supporting services to bands which could provide invaluable as they try and expand their audience and grow their sales.

Unlike, say Bandcamp, who simply provide an online location for your digital assets, LNFG can provide physical retail space, online retail space, wholesale and retail logistics and chart reporting.

What does this mean for you? Well it means that instead of tramping around local indie record shops begging them to take your records on a sale or return basis, you can deliver and few boxes to us and we will distribute the records straight into those very shops and they will pay for them up front.

Furthermore, we will provide logistical support by fulfilling all physical mail order sales on your behalf, your record will sit in an online catalogue alongside many other artists, cross polinating and benefitting from referals.

We will also chart report all online and in store sales and provide a location for in-store promotion via our shop in Finniestoun.

It's really a bit of a no-brainer - drop us a message for more information or contact Ian on the numbers or emails below.


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