Vic Godard - Mum's Revenge



Vic says - I started recording Mums' Revenge in summer 2016. Dave Morgan (The Rockingbirds, ATV, The Weather Prophets) had just joined the Subway Sect as our latest drummer and had a studio in his front room in St Albans. Over the next two and a half years we gradually did more and more tracks until we had more than enough for a record. I played all the instruments while Dave did the drums, percussion and recording. I was happy with my bass lines but not my bass playing which was all attack and no finesse. Luckily Ruth Tidmarsh was on hand and is a superb bassist and fine singer. Dave had already alerted me to her skills as a photographer but as a three piece Sect we were all in the same zone musically, which is a must when you have a tight budget. So Ruth played my bass lines but in a more musicianly way (ie. no horrid buzzy noises). It was an altogether happier experience than most recording set-ups. No outside interference meant we could do just as we wished and we had lots of voices other than mine in the final mix - which we had hoped for from the outset. We were helped out by Helen McCookerybook, Simon Rivers and Neil Palmer from the Bitter Springs / Oldfield Youth Club, Davy Henderson, Jock Scot and Gareth Sager, and Subo from Asbo Derek. The intro is spoken by a friend of mine called Neil Palmer - he's a drummer who writes a bit of poetry as a result of doing a gig in Manchester with me, The Bitter Springs and Jock Scot about 15 years ago. Jock inspired him to get a slim volume of his own poetry printed up. We did a live reading/music session for Resonance - Johny Brown's Bad Punk show. Neil recited the words over my single, Can’t take the sunshine away and I asked if he could repeat the trick for my LP.

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